October 2023


This is Reinhard. I must start this newsletter with an apology and ask for forgiveness. The last newsletter, which I only saw AFTER it was sent out, caused me some great internal turmoil. It looked like we were begging for money, which Debi and I agreed before God that we would never do. Debi always writes the newsletters together with me, but the template is put in by our media team.

BKK is growing so much, for which we thank God, but because of that, we had to move our website to be run from Brazil only, and we had to hire more people. They put our newsletter into that terrible new template which looked like we were begging for money. When I saw it, it was too late, because it had already been sent out. I actually cried when I saw it.

As the founder and president of BKK, I take full responsibility and ask you to kindly forgive me. We will always send out these newsletters to inform you what Jesus is doing, never to ask for money. God is our provider, and all provision must come from HIM alone. If He uses people, that is alone between Him and the people which He uses. We are His servants and stewards.

Number of enrolled children: 87

We take care of 87 children every day. It is such an honor to serve Jesus by serving the children. We see so much change in their lives and believe that only heaven will show its true reward.

Last month we taught the kids how to take control of their emotions. Each week, we talked about an emotion from the Bible, we talked about anger, sadness, fear, shame, and joy. The children learned how to identify these emotions, control them, and use them.

We also had the following special activities:

Student Day – children learned about the importance of being a student, and how they can become even better students. We show study habits that can help them in their student and future lives.

Soldier’s Day – a special day in Brazil. The children made soldier’s hats and paintings with recyclable material, to celebrate that special day.

We had this beautiful testimony from one of the moms, which shows how Jesus changes the lives of those children:

“My two children have really changed. My oldest son, who used to be a lot of work, now behaves completely differently: he no longer says certain things which he shouldn’t say, (but he did before), and when he hears other children saying these things, he corrects them. At school, he was not well-behaved, and the teacher said he might fail, but he had improved a lot and very quickly, both in behavior and reading. I thank BKK and its staff for the way they treat our children and the education they give them. If it weren’t for each of them, I don’t even know what would become of my son. At first, when he joined the project, it was difficult, but he changed, he changed a lot. Thank you all so much.”

We had our dear friend Dr. Bonita from the USA come again to treat a total of over 200 kids in poor areas, as well as do a check up on all of our kids from the program. She is so amazing, and I (Reinhard) had a phone call with her as she was at the airport to fly back to the USA. She thanked us for the opportunity and said it sure was a divine appointment. God is good in how He connects the right people at the right time to advance His kingdom. Enjoy the pictures:

We had our one-year anniversary and celebrated God’s goodness and faithfulness. We have 8 babies in that orphanage, beside the other children. You probably can imagine how much work this is. But God’s grace is always greater than ANY challenge we face.
We also did some special activities with the children last month, we took them to a special sports center for swimming, soccer, and other activities.

We also had a hairdresser come to the orphanage.

Other general news:
We have so many things going on, that we always need to select what we tell you, otherwise you would read a booklet every month.
Debi and Reinhard, together with Daniel and Aline who are very faithful and key people in BKK are moving to Teresina before the end of the year. Leticia our social media expert, who loves our work, loves the children dearly, and has a clear calling of God upon her life for these kids, will also move early next year. All are very excited about this big move and know that Jesus has great things in store. We don’t really know where we are going, but know whom we follow. This is enough for us.

Very soon we are opening our next orphanage in Americana, the state of São Paulo, as well as starting other projects including building our first school. We will keep you informed.

Thanks so much to all those who have so generously given, financially or in prayer. We truly appreciate it all.

Much love,
Reinhard & Debi Hirtler and the BKK

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