Our Projects

Here you will find all the projects maintained by BKK. To find out what is written in our hearts, watch this short video about the vision that God has given to Brazilian Kids Kare.


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Active Projects

Orphanage – Goiânia

Goiânia - GO

Orphanage with capacity for 20 children and adolescents who receive care, protection and opportunities for integral development until they can be reintegrated into their original or substitute family.

Orphanage – Teresina


Orphanage with capacity for 40 children and adolescents who receive care, protection and opportunities for integral development until they can be reintegrated into their original or substitute family.

Orphanage – São Luís

São Luís - MA

Orphanage with capacity for 20 children and adolescents who receive care, protection and opportunities for integral development until they can be reintegrated into their original or substitute family.

Orphanage – Americana ( Soon )

Americana - SP

Orphanage with capacity for 20 children and adolescents who receive care, protection and opportunities for integral development until they can be reintegrated into their original or substitute family.

Social Project – São Luís

São Luís - MA

Program offered after school hours for children from 5 to 12 years old, which promotes support activities and healthy social interaction, creating opportunities for integral development by working on ethical, moral, social, cultural and spiritual values.

Social Project – Parnamirim

Parnamirim (Grande Natal) - RN​

Program offered after school hours for children from 5 to 12 years old, which promotes support activities and healthy social interaction, creating opportunities for integral development by working on ethical, moral, social, cultural and spiritual values.


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